What is a sprint review

There are four events within scrum framework: sprint planning, daily scrum, sprint review and sprint retrospective. Having already discussed sprint planning and stand-up meeting (daily scrum), we move to the topic of sprint review.

As you may recall from our article Scrum, sprint review is a meeting on the last day of the sprint where all Scrum team members participate. During the event they discuss the work that has been completed during the sprint.

The duration of sprint review depends on the sprint’s length: one hour for one week of sprint. It is the Scrum master’s responsibility to ensure that the event doesn’t become longer.

The purpose of sprint review is to give developers an opportunity to present the work results that they have accomplished and to receive feedback from the rest of the team.

Let’s talk about how to run the sprint review meeting.

First of all, the Scrum master has to make sure that all the sprint goals have been met. Then, every developer makes a presentation of completed work. During the presentation all other team members can ask questions or propose new ideas to the project. As for the Scrum master, he/she can criticize, yet remain polite. It’s also important for the Scrum master to compliment the well-done work, as it encourages the rest of the team and boosts the morale.

During the event the Scrum master and the developers decide which user stories can be moved to “done” section and which ones still require some work to be done.

The stakeholders can be present during sprint review meeting, otherwise, additional meeting can be organized where the project lead presents a demo-version of a new feature to the client. There they can discuss the new ideas shared between Scrum team during sprint review as well.

The result of the sprint review meeting is a revised Product Backlog, as a necessity for certain changes may occur during the event. In other words, the Product Backlog can be adjusted if new items need to be added or old ones to be deleted. Hence, the product remains updated and actualized for the ever-changing market conditions.

Besides of being the event that helps to analyse the working progress, sprint review has another purpose. Developers start being more responsible and work harder, due to the fact that each of them has to present his/her own work in front of the rest of the team during the meeting.

We believe that sprint reviews are excellent opportunity for team building. It’s a great time to celebrate each other achievements by taking part in discussions and complementing the accomplishments.

To conclude, let’s briefly summarize the information about the flow of the sprint review event:

  • Completion of the sprint goal.

    The Scrum master reviews Sprint Backlog and checks whether the tasks were successfully completed.

  • Presentation

    Each developer demonstrates what he/she accomplished during the sprint.

  • Feedback

    Other scrum team members (Scrum master, especially) share their opinions concerning the results of the sprint.

  • Proposition of possible changes.

    All team members can share their fresh view concerning the projects.

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